The new FLIR GF77 helps professionals maximize efficiency by doing more than just visualizing gases; this ergonomic, easy to use camera is calibrated for IR temperature measurement, so inspectors can also use it to verify tank levels, search for electrical faults, perform predictive maintenance, and more across chemical and industrial manufacturing, electric power utilities, natural gas supply chain, food and agriculture, and public safety industries. The new interchangeable lens option adds the capability of visualizing SF6, ammonia and ethylene, making this affordable solution attractive to a wider range of markets.
The FLIR GF77 is a groundbreaking uncooled optical gas imaging camera with interchangeable lens options that detect methane, sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), ethylene, ammonia, and other gas emissions. Capable of both gas detection and radiometric temperature measurement for thermal inspections, the GF77 is ideal for electric power utilities, oil and natural gas operations, chemical/manufacturing facilities, the food and agriculture industry, and first responders. This affordable solution offers the benefit of built-in thermographic calibrations and the flexibility to detect a wide range of gases by simply changing lenses.
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