ROLS-PRemote Optical Laser Sensor with 8 foot cable, 1/8″ (3.5mm) plug connector, mounting bracket withjam nuts and 12 inches of T-5 tape.ROLS-W Remote Optical Laser Sensor with 8 foot cable, 4 tinned leads, mounting bracket with jam nuts and 12inches of T-5 tape.
The Remote Optical Laser Sensor has a visible red laser lightsource and green
LED on-target indicator. The class 2 laser source acts as theaiming device during
setup and can accurately measure speeds from 1-250,000 RPM froma distance of
up to 25 feet with a maximum offset angle of 60 degrees from therotating object.
The sensor is housed in a threaded 303 stainless steel tube andsupplied with a 90
degree mounting bracket, jam nuts and an eight foot shieldedcable. ROLS-P comes
with a 3.5mm (1/8åÓ) male stereo plug adapter. ROLS-Wcomes with 4 tinnedwires.
Speed Range: 1-250,000RPM
Illumination: VisibleRed Laser, Class 2
Laser Specifications: Classification: Class2 (per IEC 60825-1 Ed 1.2 2001-8)
Complies with FDA performance standards for laser productsexcept for deviations pursuant to Laser
Notice No. 50, dated July 26, 2001.
Maximum Laser Output: 1mW
Pulse Duration: Continuous
Laser Wavelength: 650 nm
Beam Divergence: <1.5mrad
Beam Diameter: 4 x 7 mmtypical at 2 meters
Laser Diode Life: 8,000operating hours MTBF (1 year warranty)
On-Target Indicator: GreenLED on wire end cap
Operating Range: up to 25feet [7.6 m] and 60 degrees offset from target
Power Requirement: 3.0- 24 Vdc, 0.13W
Output: Positivepulse when target present åÐ Output Voltage=Supply Voltage
Optional åÐ Open Collector or TTL pulse, Negative pulse(Contact factory)
Operating Temp.: 14°F to 158° F [-10 °C to 70° C]
Humidity: Maximumrelative humidity 80% for temperature up to 88 °F [31 °C] decreasing linearlyto 50%
relative humidity at 104 °F [40 °C]
Connection: 3.5mm [1/8 inch] male stereo plug (ROLS-P) or Tinned wires (ROLS-W)
Cable Length: 8feet [2.4 m]
Material: 303Stainless Steel supplied with two M18 Jam Nuts and Mounting Bracket
Lens: AcrylicPlastic
Dimensions: ThreadedTube 3.12 in x 0.71 in diameter [M18 x 1.5 x 79.4 mm] long
The ROLS Remote Optical Laser Sensor is capable of detecting areflected pulse from a target consisting of T-5 Reflective Tape or high contrast
color differences (such as black and white) at distances up to25 feet [7.6 m] from the rotating object and angles up to 60 degrees. For most
applications, a å?åÓ [12 mm] square piece of Reflective Tape(T-5) should be applied to a clean area on the rotating object. At slow speeds(<500
RPM) best results will be obtained by aiming the laserperpendicular (90°) to the target using a narrow piece of reflective tape åÐtypically 0.2 inch
(5 mm) wide.
The ROLS should be mounted (using the supplied jam nuts andaluminum mounting bracket) and optically aligned to illuminate the on-target
indicator once per revolution. It is recommended that theoptical sensor be placed at a slight angle (15 degrees) from perpendicular, sothat the
sensor will receive only pulses from the reflective marker.Triggering from contrasting colors should be done perpendicular to the target.The
ROLS should be at least 1 inch from the reflective target toavoid false triggering. The green LED On-Target Indicator will blink at theinput
frequency rate when the ROLS is properly aimed. NOTE:The green LED On-Target Indicator willblink on and off at slow speeds and remain on
steady at high speeds.
The ROLS is supplied with a 3.5 mm [1/8 inch] male stereo plug (ROLS-P)or an 8 foot [2.4 m] cable terminated with 4 tinned wires (ROLS-W).
The plug may be cut from the cable and the leads stripped andconnected as shown in connection detail for tinned wire above. An optional 25foot
[7.6 mm] extension cable EC-25P is available with a femalesocket for the plug on one end, and a 3.5 mm [1/8 inch] male stereo plug on theother
(for ROLS-P).
The ROLS-P will work directly with all Monarch handheldtachometers and Nova-Strobe dax, dbx, and pbx Stroboscopes. The ROLS-W will work
with all Monarch panel instruments that accept pulse inputs(e.g. ACT Series, DataChart 1250, DataChart 6000) and vibration data collectors.A
sensor power supply (SPSR-IM) with BNC output is available forthose applications that require a separate power source for the sensor.
SPSR-IM Self Powered Sensor – Interface Module
EC-25P 25 foot [7.6 m] Extension Cable
T-5 Reflective Tape – 5 foot [1.5 m] roll
T-5WP Waterproof Reflective Tape – 5 foot [1.5 m] roll
ROLS-NUT Set of two M18 Jam Nuts
ROLS-MNT 90° Slotted Mounting Bracket
PLUG 3.5 mm [1/8 inch] male stereo plug
WIRE 3-wire shielded Sensor Cable, bulk lengths
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