Wind Sensor Calibration Accessories
While not a substitute for laboratory or wind tunnel calibration, these accessories offer an effective means for regular field checking of your Young wind sensors.
Model 18802 Anemometer Drive provides a convenient and accurate way to rotate an anemometer shaft at a known rate. The motor rotates clockwise or counter-clockwise at a selected rate between 200 and 15,000 RPM. The LCD display is referenced to an accurate quartz timebase. For portable operation, the unit runs on internal batteries. An AC wall adapter is included.
Model 18811 Anemometer Drive is identical to Model 18802 except the drive motor incorporates a gear reducer for operation in the range of 20 to 990 RPM in 10 RPM increments. The lower range is recommended for cup anemometer calibration.
Model 18112 Vane Angle Bench Stand is used for benchtop wind direction calibration of Wind Monitor sensors. An easy to read pointer indicates 0 to 360 degrees with 1/ 2 degree resolution.
Model 18212 Vane Angle Fixture – Tower Mount similar to Model 18112, the tower mount feature allows use on the tower as well as the bench top.
Model 18310 Propeller Torque Disc checks anemometer bearing torque with a simple yet accurate pass/fail check.
Model 18312 Cup-Wheel Torque Disc checks cup anemometer bearing torque.
Model 18331 Vane Torque Gauge checks vane bearing torque of Wind Monitor sensors. Slip the fixture over the main housing and make simple yet accurate vane torque measurements.
Model 18301 Vane Alignment Rod helps visual alignment of a wind vane to a known direction reference during installation.
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