WL16S Water Level Logger (PN# series AS) SERIAL version for collecting data with most PDAs. Allows water level logger to sit inside 2-inch well with the water level recorder’s enclosure rim resting on well casing top. Standard or locking well cap will completely hide the water level logger. When ordering, specify water level range that will cover the maximum water level change for your application (this is not necessarily the total depth of water): 0-3′, 0-15′, 0-30′, 0-60′, 0-120′, 0-250′, and 0-500′. NOTE: There is a $50 extra charge for 0-500′ range sensor. Selecting the smallest water level range possible will ensure the greatest accuracy. Includes 25 feet of cable. |
WL16S-ACM Serial Water Level Logger Software Kit (PN# AS0000) Includes software, manual, and serial interface cable. |
WL16U Water Level Logger (PN# series AR) USB version for collecting data with most laptop/desktop computers. Allows water level logger to sit inside 2-inch well with the water level recorder’s enclosure rim resting on well casing top. Standard or locking well cap will completely hide the water level logger. When ordering, specify water level range that will cover the maximum water level change for your application (this is not necessarily the total depth of water): 0-3′, 0-15′, 0-30′, 0-60′, 0-120′, 0-250′, and 0-500′. NOTE: There is a $50 extra charge for 0-500′ range sensor. Selecting the smallest water level range possible will ensure the greatest accuracy. Includes 25 feet of cable. |
WL16U-ACM USB Water Level Logger Software Kit (PN# AR0000) Includes software, manual, and USB interface cable. |
WLEXC Extra Water Level Logger Cable Cable length is measured from top of water level recorder to bottom of sensor. Up to 1000 feet of extra cable can be added at the factory. |
THO Titanium Option (PN# AJ1000) Replace the standard stainless steel water level sensor housing with titanium. |
Locking Well Cap (PN# 00-897) Fits over a 2-inch pipe. |
Bluetooth External Adapter (PN# AK1500) NOTE: Bluetooth adapter requires serial version of water level logger. |
WaterLevel Loggers Product Description
The WL16, Water Level Logger, now supports USB cable interface for laptop and desktop data downloading …
…OR a serial communication port for use with most popular PDAs and telemetry solutions. |
The WL16, Water Level Logger, is a datalogger andsubmersible pressure transducer combination designed for remote monitoring andrecording of water level or pressure data. The water level logger canrecord over 81,000 readings and has four unique recording options, fast (10samples per second), programmable interval (1 second to multiple years),logarithmic, and exception. Multiple depth ranges are available from 3to 500 of water level change. A 25′ vented cable is standard on allwater level loggers, and optional cable lengths are available from the factoryup to 500′.
The WL16, Water Level Logger, is housed in aweather-resistant cylindrical enclosure, which slips inside a standard 2-inchPVC pipe. The Water Level Recorders are easily adapted with standardhardware for wellhead mounting, stream, or other installations. Twointernal 9 VDC Alkaline batteries will typically power each of the Water LevelLoggers for approximately one year even if one of the batteries fails. Athird onboard lithium battery ensures your data is safe in the event both 9Vbatteries fail. All Water Level Loggers include Windows and PDA software,allowing easy upload of data a laptop, desktop or PDA for transfer tospreadsheet programs. NOTE: The Palm operating system is NOT supported. For more information on supported PDAs click HERE.
The WL16, Water Level Logger’s vented submersiblepressure transducer is fully encapsulated with marinegrade epoxy. Theelectronics are encapsulated so that moisture can never leak in through O-ringseals or work its way into the vent tube and cause drift or sensor failure, asis the case with many other vented sensors. The vent tube is sealeddirectly to the wet-wet sensing element, and any moisture that may enter thevent tube from the housing will only contact the ceramic parts, not theelectronics. Most federal agencies, universities, and environmentalconsultants recommend vented water level sensors for the best monitoringresults.
Warning: Non-vented water level loggers may have readings with errors of up to 10 due to barometric pressure changes. Global Water’s Water Level Loggers use vented cable to prevent this issue from affecting your data. To learn more about how barometric pressure can affect your data click HERE. |
The vented submersible pressure transducer uses aunique silicon diaphragm to interface between your water and the sensingelement. The diaphragm is highly flexible and touches the sensing element,producing a sensor with exceptional linearity and very low hysteresis. Astainless steel micro-screen cap protects the pressure transducer diaphragm. The micro-screen cap has hundreds of openings, making fouling the sensor withsilt, mud or sludge virtually impossible.
Bluetooth Capability
The AK1500 Bluetooth Adaptor was designed to eliminate the need for custom PDAcables to communicate between your PDA and the WL16 Water Level Loggers. The adaptor connects to the Water Level Logger’s serial port using the sameinterface cable provided with the software-cable kit. The interfaceoperates from a single 9 volt battery and is turned on automatically when thecable connects the water level logger and Bluetooth adapter. Because theBluetooth module consumes power when turned on, it is recommended that the cablebe disconnected from the water level logger when not in use. A red LEDshows the power status and is on continuously while the adaptor is plugged intothe water level logger. There is also a blue LED that shows the status ofthe Bluetooth connection.
Water LevelRecorders Specifications
WL16 Water Level Data Loggers
Power: Two 9VDC Alkaline Batteries
Battery Life: Up to 1 year (depending on recording intervals)
Resolution: 12 bit
Moisture Protection: Protective coating (helps prevent damage toelectronics from condensation)
Temperature: -40° to +185°F (-40° to +85°C)
Humidity: 0-95% non-condensing
Memory: Non-volatile flash memory
Storage Capacity: 81,759 time and date stamped data points(including battery voltage)
Sample Modes: High Speed (10 samples per second), Fixed Interval(Programmable from 1 sec to >1 year), Logarithmic, Exception
Data Overwrite: Select memory wrap or unwrap (unwrap will stoplogging data once memory is full)
Clock: Synchronizes to the time and date of user’s computer
Clock Accuracy: 0.0025% or 1 minute in 1 month
Clock Format: Month/Day/Year Hour/Minute/Second
Enclosure: 1-7/8 inch dia. x 11-1/2 inch length (4.8 cm dia. x 29.2cm length) (fits inside a 2 inch well), stainless steel UV protected PVC ventedfor barometric pressure compensation
Weight: 1.6 lbs (0.7 kg) (with battery and 25′ cable)
Communication Port:
WL16S: RS-232 4-pin circular connector
WL16U: USB Type B
Selectable Baud Rates:
Certificates: CE compliant
Global Water Level Loggers Software
Compatiblity: Microsoft’s Windows 98, ME, 2000, NT, XP, and Vista
Tabular Display/Printout; data in standardspreadsheet format (CSV)
Programmable alarm start and stop times
Field calibration software and help files included
PDA software: CE and Mobile compatible. For more informationon supported PDAs click HERE.
Water Level Logger Vented Cable
Conductors: 4 each 22 AWG
Material: Marine grade polyether jacket, polyethylene vent tube,full foil shield
Shield: Aluminum Mylar
Outside Diameter: 0.306 inch (0.78 cm)
Temperature Range: -22° to +185°F (-30° to +85°C)
Length: Standard 25′ (7.62 m) (up to 500′ (152.4 m) from factory)
Submersible Pressure Transducer
Sensor Element: Silicone Diaphragm, Wet/Wet Transducer
Pressure Range: 0-3′, 15′, 30′, 60′, 120′, 250′, 500′
Linearity and Hysteresis: ±0.1% FS
Warm-Up Time: 3 seconds recommended
Overpressure: Not to exceed 2 x full scale range
Accuracy: ±0.1% of full scale at constant temperature, ±0.2% over35°F to 70°F (1.37° to 21.1°C) range
Compensation: Uses dynamic temperature compensation 30 to 70°F(-1.1 to 21.1°C). Automatic barometric pressure compensation
Housing: Up to 13/16″ diameter x 5-1/2″ long (2 cm dia. x14 cm long)(small enough for a 1″ well)
Material: 304L Stainless Steel, SS microscreen (hundreds of holesto prevent fouling), electronics are fully encapsulated in marine grade epoxy,guaranteed not to leak
Format: Bluetooth 2.0 SPP (Serial Port Protocol)
Baud Rate: Auto Detect up to 115K Baud
Power: 9 V Alkaline, approx. 20 hours continuous use
Current: 30mA Average
Range: 20 Feet Maximum
Operating Temp: -40º to +185ºF (-40º to +85ºC)
Compatible Software: Global Logger II version 2.1.5 or higher
Global Logger II PDA software version 2.0.1
FL16 Flow Monitor version 2.3.2
TheWater Level Logger includes Global Water Datalogger Software, Windows-basedsoftware that provides many useful features, such as real-time readout,measurement interval and engineering unit selection, station ID setting, andsensor calibration. The software makes accessing stored data and settingoptions easy. Data downloaded from the Water Level Logger can easily beopened in any PC spreadsheet program for analysis and graphic presentation. Globlal Water’s Water Level Recorder Software will run on a PC-type laptop ordesktop computer running Windows 98 or later. To communicate with theWater Level Logger, a computer must be equipped with a communication portappropriate to the type of water level logger you have, either a standard RS232serial or a USB host communication port. Purchase of the Water LevelLogger includes a RS232 or USB cable (for communication between the logger andyour computer).
The Water Level Logger’s pressure sensor may beplaced slightly below the lowest expected water level. Level ranges of0-3′, 0-15′, 0-30′, 0-60′, 0-120′, 0-250′, and 0-500′ are available. Whenordering, select the level sensor range that will cover the maximum water levelchange (this is not necessarily the total depth of water). Selecting thesmallest water level range possible will ensure the greatest accuracy.
The Water Level Logger’s data logger is housed inan enclosure that is designed to slip inside a 2-inch pipe and be completelyhidden with a standard or locking well cap. For monitoring groundwater,the water level recorders can be installed in a PVC pipe with the dataloggerenclosure’s rim resting on the pipe’s edge. For monitoring surface water,the water level loggers can be installed in a a protective stilling constructedof PVC pipe. For detailed Water Level Logger installation tips, click HERE.
Water LevelLoggers Applications
GroundwaterMonitoring, stream andriver gauging, Lake/Pond Level Analysis, Flood Level Recording, IrrigationCanals, inflow andinfiltration studies, Wetland/Estuary Monitoring, Weirs and Flumes, Wave andTidal Analysis, and MUCH MORE… NOTE: Polyurethane cable is notrecommended for use with hydrocarbons or high concentrations of chlorine. Please look at the our WL450 Water Level Transmitter to meet therequirements of these types of applications.
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